(POST 3) Opening Task Planning Continued

Lilly:This pupil also played a yr9 student girl, who gave a good opinion on what she thought 'that' could symbolise. This was a good answer for a young student, who had never listened to the song in the past, since player it to her.
Yr9 male student:This student played a year 9 pupil in our media project. He gave us a good opinion on the song  'I'll do anything for love' Meatloaf, as he had heard this song before.  He told us that  the 'that' in the song could symbolise "that he won't buy expensive" items for the person that the song is written for.

Yr9 male student:This student was reluctant in participating in a manner we were expecting. He told us that he thought that the words had no hidden meaning and  meant exactly what was written, that he "would do anything for love". on the other hand this answer was one our weakest opinions.
Yr9 male student: Lastly, this pupil, gave their view on this song, by explaining how 'he would go to any extent for love' but just not the particular thing he is talking about. Again this student had never heard this song before.
Yr9 female student: This pupil played a yr9 student girl, who couldn't work out what the 'that' meant in the meatloaf song, as she had never listened to the song before. once she discussed it with her friend she agreed to her friend's view.
Teacher: we asked a older aged teacher who gave their view on this song, to start with she didn't have an answer on what 'that' could symbolise, but after playing it too her a few times she gave us a really good answer that could be true.
Muscian; This student, played a musician. she gave us a really detailed opinion on what 'that' could mean in this song, we thought involving a person who has had experience with music would benefit our music video, and give a good idea on what the answer to our question could be.
Yr12 Male pupil: We included a older Male student, who has never heard the song before. he had no clue what the 'that' could mean in this song, and simply said 'who knows'. The 'that' in this song still has no meaning and no one truly knows the explanation behind it.
Yr12 Female pupil: This older yr 12 female student also gave a strong opinion on this song. By involving a older but young student in our video, it gives us a range of ages to work with. This answer was probably one of our strongest opinions. She had heard this song before which makes her opinion on this song even stronger.
Yr12 Male pupil: Finally, we included a older Male student, who has only heard the song a couple of times before. He gave a detailed reasoning for the meaning behind the "that" in the song and his ideas of the meaning.


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