(POST 34) Macro elements of the film form



All the character's in the film, aren't named which I think shows how no one has an identity. all of the characters don't show any personalities through this film, as the main focus is on the visitors, and how they are controlling them. The main character 'mother!' who is played by the actress 'Jennifer Lawrence' shows a lot of emotions and face expressions throughout the film, which makes the audience feel her emotions too. Her makeup on set is quite natural, if wearing any at all. Her costume, is also very plain and basic.

The character 'him' who is played by the actor 'Javier Bardem'  has a very unusual personality, that I find hard to work out. Throughout the film, it came across to me that he cares more about his reputation/career  than his girlfriend. His costume, is also quite smart and tidy which shows how he takes his career really seriously. As said previously the camera is mainly focussed on 'mother!' the whole time is why the audience doesn't understand 'him' as well.

The props used, were mainly the baby towards the end, the hob was like the main focussed object throughout the film, due to it breaking at the end of the film. The rug with the blood stain was also one of the main props. There were a number of props which had reasons to why they were used in this film.

The lighting, in the film made the atmosphere quite depressing, and there was no personality to anything throughout. The lighting was very dark and dull, as the location was in the middle of know where, and it was mainly set at night time.

The location of the film was in USA. The filming were set in Montréal, Québec, Canada.
This film is all based around their house, which is in the middle of nowhere.

Genre -

The genre comes across as mystery/horror/drama. This is clear from the movement and camera angles they use during the filming. As uninvited guests arrive at their home, they use many high angle shots to show people entering their home with out permission. Using high angle shots builds the tension and mystery in the film. This film also could be a drama, considering its about how their life and relationship is being tested and how their tranquil existence is being disrupted. They use movement to show how everyone is being disrespectful and different compared to what would happen in reality. All the way through the film, Jennifer is being constantly followed by the camera, which shows that the whole film is on Jennifer's view.

There are many close ups of Jennifer's face expressions which shows that she is scared and horrified.

Narrative -

This film, is a single strand narrative. where there is one main character as the focus of the story. there is only one plot that follows the main character, however there are other characters that the story doesn't really focus on. Making the film a single strand narrative, I think is really effective for the audience, mainly because of diegetic sounds. Diegetic sounds are sounds which can be seen on set, for example the doorbell ringing, which happened quite often when there were new visitors arriving. There where also sounds like the glass lightbulb smashing, and the kettle boiling on the hob which symbolises and links back to when the hob broke later on in the film. non - diegetic sounds are when sounds are played over top of the film, or sounds that cannot be seen on set. for example, music.

Audience -

This film is definitely targeted at the older/ teenage generation, mainly due to the storyline as there are areas which are highly disturbing and not appropriate for the younger audience.  I expect this target group to not be as disturbed as the younger generation, and to engage, as the older generation have drama in their life's, in which they can relate to this film, even though this film is surreal. when I first watched this film I was extremely shocked at the events that happened. I'm 16 and I found it a bit disturbing however  horrors/ mysteries/thrillers are my favourite genres of a film, so for me I thoroughly enjoyed it. This film is an 18, which I think should stick to an 18, due to the images and storyline.


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