
Showing posts from October, 2017

(POST 14) Love Actually

The task we were set, was to produce the same video using our own audio that we created.When looking at sound, we focussed on a scene from love actually. This scene is the opening scene and has dialog over the top of videos from Heathrow airport. When watching it we first listened to it with the sound turned on, and then listened to it with the sound turned off. We then had to identify all of the different sounds in the video. The main feature of the video was the voice over by David (Huge Grant) and then we also noticed the music behind it.  We also learned about diagetic and non- diagetic sound. Diagetic sound is the sound that is actually in the scene. Non diagetic sound is when the sound is not picked up on screen and so has to be added during the edited process. For example, music being added to increase the tension or to make it a recognisable movie and also the voice over to add a personal perspective of the scene . This also adds detail and background knowledge.This gets a

(POST 13) 13 reasons why audio

When looking at sound, we focussed on a scene from 13 reasons why. When watching it we first listened to it with the sound turned on, and then listened to it with the sound turned off. We then had to identify all of the different sounds in the video. Obviously the music was a main feature of the video and then we also noticed the foot steps when Clay was walking down the corridor, as well as the school bell at thye end of the video.The dialogue that hannah was speaking had to be recreated by someone else. We also learned about diagetic and non- diagetic sound. Diagetic sound is the sound that is actually in the scene, for example the footsteps when Clay was walking down the corridor, or when the actors are speaking in the scene. Non diagetic sound is when the sound is not picked up on screen and so has to be added during the edited process. For example, music being added to increase the tension or to make it a recognisable movie, such as the juarassic park music, the music w

(POST 12) Him & Her

Him and Her- scene 2: For this task we got given, we have to pick a scene out of him and her, and produce some paragraphs on a particular part of mise-en-scene. I choose costume and makeup and also lighting. Costume and Makeup: In this scene, its Steve's birthday, and he is ill, which gives us a sense of unexcitment and sadness. Steve is wearing a dressing gown in bed, which implies that he is feeling lazy and wants to relax. Even though its his birthday, his costume and makeup shows that he is feeling unwell and doesn't want to communicate with anyone. Steve and Becky are both very lazy people, however in this scene Becky is dressed and has her makeup done, which shows she is feeling ready and is excited for steves big day. Costumes and makeup, for the other charcters, show off effort and time they have put in, just for steves birthday. This shows a contrast between steves day and the other characters day, and how they are feeling individually.  Lighting: The light

(POST 11) Ferris Buellers day off

                                                           Ferris Bueller's day off!                                       - the parade scene Setting During this scene the action takes place outside in public with in a parade . The setting indicates this as there are hundreds of people dancing along in the streets to the music. The setting gives off a sense of a dramatic genre, as the parade is an exciting but unexpected event during the film. This scene particularly sets a fun and enthusiastic mood, by including dancing, singing, music and even the face expressions create a happy atmosphere. The setting implies that the characters have confident and exciting personalities, this shows that their culture and behaviour is really outgoing, although he does take risks, especially the main character Ferris. Costume and makeup The costumes and outfits they use in this film creates an 80’s vibe, as they are quite smartly dressed. The main character Fe